Our Facilities
Nolan Butchers of Kilcullen is a 28,000 sq ft complex which includes a store, a fully EU licensed Abattoir, Chills, Boning Hall, Curing facility and all the required ancillary services and a large customer and staff car park. Having everything on site gives the ability to have full control over the various processes and if problems arise they can be solved there and then.
Nolan Butchers of Kilcullen is described as a Farm to Fork enterprise i.e. Farm, Abattoir, Chills,Factory and Shop which has become a very rare business in Ireland today. All their beef comes from heifers from both Nolan’s farm and local farmers. The farm is located at the rear of the complex; the heifers are then slaughtered in the EU licensed abattoir and prepared and chilled on site and where there is an effective traceability system in place.
Traceability is paramount in the meat business today.